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True Or False: Can An Avocado Hair Mask Promote Growth?

photo of avocado hair mask

There’s a complicated relationship between the world of healthy eating and that of beauty. For as long as there have been so-called superfoods, women have been wanting to smash them on their hair, skin, and nails. If it works in your smoothie, it must work on your mane—right?


The latest ingredient to transform into a beauty craze is avocado. Beauty publications claim an avocado hair mask can make your hair feel more moisturized, look shinier, and even promote growth. Before you go picking up the green fruit in bulk and making guacamole in your shower, it’s important to understand the truth behind the DIY.


Below, we’re tackling three major myths about avocados and hair.

Can avocado make hair grow?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there’s no scientific research backing the claim that avocado makes hair grow at the time of publication. Avocado does many things well (and makes a great snack), but there’s little chance this food staple will suddenly give you princess-length hair.


If you’re interested in seeing longer strands, it might be time to head to the nearest salon for a consultation appointment. With a combination of conservative cuts and brand new products, your hair professional may be able to help you achieve a mane that feels more moisturized and less prone to damage. Hair that is well taken care of means less breakage.


When in doubt, treat your hair very gently and you’ll likely see a difference in the way it looks.

Does avocado moisturize hair?

We take hair very seriously, which means we rarely recommend upending the contents of your fridge on your head. While avocados are famously high in fat, coating your hair with them doesn’t guarantee a sudden moisture surge. Plus, the goopy mixture is likely to clog your shower drain.


Instead of making an extra trip to the grocery store, stop by your salon. If hair that feels less dry is a particular goal of yours, a leave-in treatment or weekly deep conditioner application can be just the thing to add the extra softness you desire.


If you’re really invested in avocados, try a professional-grade formula that includes avocado oil. Products sold in salons have been tested to deliver results, so you can be confident in seeing visible, touchable changes when using the product according to its instructions. From the L'Oréal portfolio of products, we love Redken All Soft Heavy Cream Super Treatment for dry or brittle hair, which is formulated with argan oil.

Do avocados make hair shinier?

According to United States Department of Agriculture, avocados contain approximately 21 grams of fat per cup. That’s part of the reason you’ll often see DIY hair mask recipes that include a tablespoon or two of avocado oil.


Oil applied to the hair could create the appearance of shine that lasts until the next wash. This isn’t a blowout shine we’re talking about, but rather a residue from application. In order to ensure you’re getting that just-left-the-salon shine, we recommend choosing a lightweight, non-greasy product specifically formulated for that purpose. Pureology’s Shine Bright Taming Serum, formulated with coriander seed oil, gives you beautiful, shiny hair.


Now you know the truth: While avocados will always be the first thing in our grocery baskets, you won’t catch them anywhere near our manes.

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