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The Differences Between Aerosols And Spritzes

The differences between aerosol and spritz hair products

When it comes to finding the perfect products for your hair, the seemingly endless offerings can get a bit overwhelming. We’re talking sprays, pomades, oils, lotions, masks, and gels—oh my!

If you’re in the market for a reliable hairspray, however, it’s usually a bit more of a straightforward selection process. You simply seek the spray that offers the amount of hold and flexibility you need (bonus points if the smell is amazing, too). But just when you think you’ve got it down, there’s still one question that needs an answer, and it’s a big one.

Spritz, or aerosol?

Some brands even offer almost identical formulations but in different spray mechanisms, so how can you choose? And why is it important to make an informed decision? Well, because believe it or not, there are some significant differences between aerosol hairsprays and those that come in manual pump bottles.

To learn more, we spoke with Redken artist Heather King, of the Radio Hair Salon Redchurch Street for her expert insight into the two products. Here’s what she had to say.

The Pros And Cons Of Aerosols Vs. Spritz

King says that both aerosols and spritzes each serve their own place in the world of hairdressing and that naturally, each has its pros and cons.

Aerosol sprays offer a wider coverage area and provide a more controlled mechanism of application. In contrast, the stylist says spritzes are “not dispersed as evenly or as lightly as it would be with an aerosol.”

Aerosol sprays also utilize a chemical propellant, whereas spritzes are simply packaged in their bottles as is, and a manual finger pump does all the work.

Spritzes sometimes can lead to oversaturation, or a more wet look if they are overapplied—so they should be used with a “less is more” mentality, especially when being applied to dry hair. Spritzes are wet and will wet the area momentarily while being applied.

Spritzes do, however, apply the product more directly to the hair, while aerosols can’t help but to release the product in the air as well. Utilizing a spray shield, ensuring you use aerosols within a well-ventilated area, and avoiding direct inhalation is always recommended!

For extra hold hairspray, aerosols are usually the right direction to go in. For lighter holds or application to wet or gelled hair, spritzes are your friends.

Personally, King feels that aerosols are more user-friendly, too.

Tips For Aerosol Sprays And Spritzes

Whether you’re partial to aerosol sprays or spritzes, King has an excellent tip for utilizing either formula—keep your distance!

King says that distance is key, and to, “Always spray from a distance of the length of the bottle you’re using away from your hair.”

When you’re using an aerosol product, she warns, “any spraying that’s over three seconds means you’re no longer getting product. The liquid that is released turns into the chemical expellant that’s used to push the product out of the can.”

She adds, “That’s why sometimes you can still feel the product in the can, but nothing comes out!”

So that explains it!

The Environmental Impact Of Aerosol Sprays

The ‘80s were all about big hair and even bigger bottles of hair spray but when concerns about how aerosols effect our environment came to the forefront, many people were left feeling like they had to choose between their love of over-the-top hairstyles and their love of the earth. So, we dug a little bit deeper into the environmental impact of aerosol sprays. It turns out, hairspray doesn’t have the effect on the environment that we once thought.

According to NASA, there is a link between aerosols and climate change—but it’s much bigger than a can of hairspray. They explain, “Aerosols are tiny particles in the air that can be produced when we burn different types of fossil fuels—coal, petroleum, wood, and biofuels—in different ways. A significant man-made source of aerosols is pollution from cars and factories.”

They also clarify that “While the word ‘aerosol’ may conjure up thoughts of things that come in spray cans, it means something quite different to scientists.”

Now you can rest easy knowing you don’t have to compromise your values—or your fantastic hairstyles.

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